New & Noteworthy: Candlesticks are hot

Credit the return to at-home entertaining, a small (albeit, anecdotal) bump in formal dining, interest in nostalgia or a growing consumer zeal for table-scaping — candlesticks are really popular right now, particularly taper candlesticks. According to a 2025 Gift Book Consumer Survey by sister pub Gifts & Decorative Accessories, 16% of respondents planned to purchase taper candles in 2025. They’ll need the candlesticks to go with them. Here are options from the winter markets.

mud pie candleholder

Colored glass taper holders were a particularly popular material, corresponding, perhaps to the current popularity of colored glassware in the market. These are from Mud Pie.

BIDK Home candleholder

This more rough-hewn and rustic option is from BIDK Home.

Creative Co-Op sheep candleholder

Ceramic figurals, such as this sheep from Creative Co-Op, add a touch of whimsy and informality to the table.

Hazel Mazel candleholder vase

Hazel Mazel offered a candlestick and decorative vase in one.

Lemon Lily wood candleholders

Lemon Lily’s colorful, wood-turned candlesticks complement a series of stacked vases.

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