Credit the return to at-home entertaining, a small (albeit, anecdotal) bump in formal dining, interest in nostalgia or a growing consumer zeal for table-scaping — candlesticks are really popular right now, particularly taper candlesticks. According to a 2025 Gift Book Consumer Survey by sister pub Gifts & Decorative Accessories, 16% of respondents planned to purchase taper candles in 2025. They’ll need the candlesticks to go with them. Here are options from the winter markets.
Colored glass taper holders were a particularly popular material, corresponding, perhaps to the current popularity of colored glassware in the market. These are from Mud Pie.
This more rough-hewn and rustic option is from BIDK Home.
Ceramic figurals, such as this sheep from Creative Co-Op, add a touch of whimsy and informality to the table.
Hazel Mazel offered a candlestick and decorative vase in one.
Lemon Lily’s colorful, wood-turned candlesticks complement a series of stacked vases.